The Open House has been a great success at Startup Saturdays across the country. Its a session where the entire audience discusses and shares experience on a pre-decided topic. It brings out multiple points of views and the richness of experience across startups. Entrepreneurs have benefited a lot from such exchanges.
Now we are taking Open House to the next level where geographical boundaries don’t matter anymore. Similarly, the restrictions on time are also easy. What matters is sharing experiences and ideas and then building upon what you get from others. We’ll do this via a Twitter conference.
A twitter conference as the name suggests is a conference on twitter. Use of hash tags separates the conference content from the rest of the twitter stream. So, participating in the conference is as simple as attaching a hast tag to your tweet and following the hash tag. One can follow a hash tag by searching for it using twitter search or tools such Tweetdeck. Tweetchat automates the entire process of tagging and following and gives you the feeling of a chat room. One also need not get restricted by the 140 characters that Twitter gives us. One can always write a blog post and tweet the link with the hash tag. However, do make sure that your tweet gives a reason to click on the link and do link your blog to this post for easy tracking.
We will keep the conference open for an entire day and then summarize the significant bits in a blog post here. The first Headstart Open House on twitter will be on Finding the first customer and will start at 10 AM on 3rd July. Please use the hash tag #HSOH for the conference and also for all tweets about the conference.
RSVP here. See you on the 3rd!
Headstart Open House on Twitter
Happy to hear this.
Will be there surely..!
Keep going…!