Are you seed- funding ready?

Headstart Network Foundation hosted the eighth episode of “Headstart Live – A Webinar Series” on 18th March 2020.  The topic for the webinar was “Are You Seed-Funding Ready?”.  It was very diligently covered by Ganapathy Venugopal, the co-founder and CEO of Axilor Ventures. Mr Venugopal had formerly worked for Infosys as a strategy and planning… Continue reading  Are you seed- funding ready?

How to Pitch Your Startup Idea to an Investor

While your startup idea may have strong business potential, if the pitch goes haywire, you could miss out on an opportunity to get the financial support and backing of established investors.

We got Sanjay Swamy, a founding member of venture capital firm, Prime Venture Partners to share some pitching tips to help startups have a better chance at getting funded.

Pitch Perfect!

Pitching to investors is a challenge in itself. Your pitch is the single thing that could either get your business off the ground or plunge your idea into eternal oblivion. Sometimes, even with well-planned presentations and numerous rehearsals, a pitch can go wrong. It is therefore of prime importance to hold a few things in… Continue reading Pitch Perfect!