In all our previous roundups we have used certain adjectives and words to sum up the Startup Saturday experience that we had that month. But this time I believe the only word that fits the experience that the audience might have had is – Shirshasana (a yogic exercise where you stand completely inverted with your heads down and feet in the air). In precise the whole world seems upside down.
Why do I tag the experience this way? Well post being there many assumptions, prejudice and thoughts that one had about women entrepreneurship stood head over heels. And why not, when you listen to a sweet voice of a Saree clad entrepreneur just to realize that she is a top notch entrepreneur with a virtual team always online, or an investment banker quitting the rat race and now bathing a 50 KG dog as part of her business, you were in for a BIG surprise! So cutting things straight here’s what happened.

The session started with a Business showcase by Dr Shalini Ratan, who has a unique concept of “Patient centric approach” driving her company. Founder of Nirvan Life Sciences Dr Shalini explained why it was very important for a Doctor to have good soft-skills and a Marketing strategy of his own. When she herself found this gap in today’s MBBS generation, she took the onus of filling it by herself. She explained in detail (PPT) how a hospital is no more a dull hospital and how grooming medical services like a hotel has an inert advantage both for the patients and the doctors. A concept as unique as a woman!
Next in as a speaker was Ms Sindhu Nair from SMM-Art. She has been into the

field of Training and Consultancy for quite some years now and discussed the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs today have. Smm-art develops customized training programs and AV products for corporate as well as startups and help them identify and resolve the challenges that they face. Enabled with a strong team she advocated (PPT) nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit even in your team and colleagues to bring the best out of them.
We all know actions speak louder than words and that’s exactly was the base of the next Business showcase by Nidhi from Studio PluCap. A freelance designer/animator turned entrepreneur Nidhi spoke less and showed more (PPT) of her achievements. A complete new cartoon series called Little Pandavas which has left the audience amazed by the superb talent Nidhi had. Apart from the challenges that she discussed, what was really interesting was the reason behind why the company was called Studio Plucap. A very Steve Jobsish kind of approach to naming your company, Nidhi read during the early days of her startup that When PLUto enters CAPricon she will have really good time and that’s how Pluto and Capricorn added to Plucap. Cool Name and yes it fits well, isn’t it?
By the way while we are so much into the session, I just missed to highlight the whole session was very well tied together by our special compere Manjari Sharda. She kept the environment alive and the show kickin!

Next we had the open house, and guess who hosted it. Yes a female compere again. Ruchika from managed the complete open house across the topic of Freemium vs Premium approach in having an internet business. A very insightful discussion and summed up well by Ruchika. Great job!
Post a short tea and networking break, the show continued with 4 Lightening Pitches back to back from amazing women entrepreneurs with really interesting ideas.
First LP was from Entrepreneur Sannam Chopra who converted her love for fashion and art to a passionate venture called Archetype deusign. Archetype Deusign provides the Indian customers with jewelery and accessories that have western blend and style. No more jaw dropping when you see your favourite Hollywood star accessorized, Sannam makes it possible (PPT) and affordable for the fans do dress the same. Another point worth noting was the company grooms their executives not just to sell to but also to advice customers about latest trends and what suits well to them. Cool!
Next was an LP from Shivani Chokhani of PD Foundation. Shivani’s story was really exciting as she described how the venture started from nowhere with no big visionary strategies to where it has come today. With PD foundation touching new heights in Training and consultancy business and Shivani trying new avenues constantly you certainly realize that she definitely is a constant follower of the Just Do IT lifestyle. Post she completed her presentation the audience really felt – where there is a will, there is a way.
So still we are on. New stories, new world of women entrepreneurship seemed clear. But No! we were in for another big surprise. Not one but two, with the next LPs.
The next LP was by Prita Agni from Dogaholics. Having a media background, and a good friend Avril Lopez who was an investment banker, life seems to be real fun. But Passion can drive you crazy. Prita and her friend started Dogaholics a Dog grooming parlor where they bathe and groom your faithful pets. Now as in her own words when you see “Girls” handling 50kg dogs, well jaw dropping is the least that you can see in the audience. Jive apart! She also highlighted how she was using social media to make people understand the importance of animals and what they can do to make their life better. Well so much of a job! You definitely require a woman to accomplish this feat.
- Vanita from HeadStratINC
Last LP was from Vanita the owner of HeadStartINC. When you pitch at the end of any session there are chances you might not grab attention. Is that statement really true? Vanita broke the traditional introduction nomenclature and sang a really motivating song in her beautiful voice. You ought to be there to experience that. Vanita via her company HeadStartINC (PPT) provides various competency development services to corporates and other institutions. Right from soft skills to web analytics and SEO the company delivers all with the help of a complete virtual team. If you thought women better be within the four walls; well ventures can be started right from there too! All in all a great presentation.
Last in the list was a showcase by Kavita Mathur who heads Wellness Associates. Kavita showed (PPT) yet another expertise that resides highly with women. Well-organised and well-planned, Kavita utilized her experience as a gym professional and founded Wellness Associates with her partner. A compact studio where the trainer knows the importance of your time and health and ensures that wellness is delivered. Kavita described how she worked out with the idea, took loans and ventured with her passion to create great service that many clients today opt for.
This is how the show went on. But after summarizing the whole experience down to these 1200 words, it seems that much was not told or not transferred. It was enlightening, challenging and definitely inspiring. That’s what the kind of experience we had and you definitely need to be there and feel it yourself.
So do remember to mark every second Saturday as a Startup Saturday on your calendars!
About the Author – Himanshu Chanda is a business blogger and a regular visitor at the HeadStart Saturdays. Apart from the event he also shares his views on his business blog
fascinating! lot of women entrepreneurs coming up these days not just in the urban areas!
Very enterprising and inspiring women indeed. And thanks for a nice writeup.
What a great read, I enjoyed it very much and I thank you for posting it. Have a great day…